RSCA Cafés

Jay Pinson STEM Education Program at the  Innovation Design Collaborative.

Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA) Cafés aim to create a space for interdisciplinary collaboration. Through a three-session series of theme-based conversations over a five-week period, the hope is that faculty teams will naturally develop to pursue funding to solidify strengths in topics of mutual interest to a variety of stakeholders.

Campus fountain.

Session 1: Topic Introduction and Discussion

Led by a member of the Office of Research, the topic will be broadly introduced. There will then be introductions of all participants to include a broad overview of their RSCA and how they see themselves fitting into the theme. Guided by the moderator, the discussion will attempt to make connections across participants. Breakout activities will be designed to further these connections.

Sculpture in front of the art building.

Session 2: Deeper Engagement

Participants will be asked to prepare a three-minute presentation with three slides based on their work within the theme and where they see their work going based on Session 1. At the end of the presentations, groups will be formed and the moderator will provide potential funding opportunities for groups to discuss. 

Ivy on Tower Hall.

Session 3: Long-Term Planning

Participants will work with their group and the appropriate Research Development Specialist (RDS) to plan a RSCA trajectory and grant submission for the group within the theme. This session will be a work session and will focus on product delivery. 

To be Announced

Stay tuned! Reach out to the Office of Research ( if you have any questions.